An End to White Supremacy: A Spiritual Warrior’s Reflection On Radicalism

Veronica Montes
5 min readJan 18, 2021

The time has come to have an important conversation about radicalism after many of us watched the coup take place from the comfort of our own homes. This spectacle not only showed us what radicalism looks like at Capitol Hill but also exemplified the failures of our own American government. Let’s deal with the anger, shame, and guilt by facing the truth. Our country was founded on white supremacy ideals but for the sake of our humanity, all Americans need to bring an end to these ideologies.

Focus Your Energy Effectively

It seems our own government representatives who entrusted the police at the Capitol are more threatened by the fear of Americans who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color. This fear is rooted in the threat of our collective power. This type of othering by our own government is completely unacceptable and I urge all Americans to not take the lack of responsibility and at the utmost sincerity, a threat, lightly. Those who enable white supremacy threaten our inclusive democracy and our own humanity as it regresses us to old paradigms of existing in oppressive systems. It is imperative we stand declaring the blame onto our own government who allowed this type of polarization to thrive by enabling these conflicting ideologies and perceptions of reality.

But keep it 100! You also knew many people in political power were racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, and misogynistic for too long and we must not take this lightly anymore if we want it to come to a complete end.

The memes are funny but sometimes not that informative and sometimes just overwhelming. We all need a good laugh but the majority of Americans need to commit to beyond just scrolling for laughs and fulfill the sake of our civic duty. We can only blame corrupted media and failing educational systems for so long in the age of accessible information. It may take more time but we need to click on various trusted news sources and read!

Take ownership of this issue as your own. You’re an American and America is releasing its traumatized identity tangled with white supremacy like a victim suffering from Stockholm syndrome. It is real and horrid trauma that wants to claw its way back into our consciousness at all costs. Show America she’s worth the love and care she needs to heal by committing to your civic duties. Don’t just leave it up to someone else to handle the responsibility while you watch from the comfort of your own home. Stay informed, hold public officials accountable, vote, support community organizations and their efforts, and also talk about radicalism as if the shoe was on the other foot.

Don’t Fear Radicalism. Understand Rather Than Underestimate It.

Our thoughts and intentions are just as powerful as our fears so I will simply ask you to reflect on what role you would take on for the sake of all Americans, including your children, their future children, relatives, and neighbors if your immediate safety and democratic freedoms were at stake? Would you literally fight with all the power you have against a neo-nazi regime?

I don’t know about you but another four years of Trump would have me wilding and storming the Capitol too. Guns blazing!

But that’s just me if all else fails. However, visualization is key and I’m a master of manifestation. I trusted this nightmare would come to an end. As embarrassing as that spectacle was to see and as concerned as I was for the people endangered, I still felt a sense of victory when it all ended. We won the battle but the war is not over. Trump out of office doesn’t bring an end to the ideologies he fueled.

As discussed by The Atlantic back in September 2020 in regards to the militia group that supported Trump, civil wars start gradually. What happened this week at Capitol Hill took some time and planning. After all, they successfully entered the building endangering many lives.

Spiritual Warfare and Perseverance

The “war” in spiritual warrior is with purpose. Unlike the barbaric and archaic demonstration of radicalism we witnessed this week, I am supported by a global community that believes in the evolution of human consciousness. We believe humans have the ability to create realities with the energy of their thoughts and intentions. It is unlike the common warfare we are most familiar with. It is also not like the common misperception of people who are very spiritual. It’s not just a call for “LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED” and crystals for chakras. It is also a science that can help you design human experiences like a lucid dream. I strongly urge you to explore the connection between spirituality and warfare in this video produced by Spirit Science. Reflect on the many incidents of violence you have witnessed throughout the years and rather than contemplating on what direction our country might be heading towards, instead focus on the outcome you wish to see.

I personally have conducted rituals and meditations holding the intention to remove Trump out of office and bring a final end to white supremacy. I have called upon my ancestors and spirit guides for support to all those at the front lines of justice. Along with the many people who have kept faith during this difficult year, I have helped carry their burden at a spiritual and energetic level. But do not get confused. Prayer and intention work, but meditation alone will not be enough and some form of action will sometimes be required. It’s time to get uncomfortable because all though we weren’t fighting white supremacy at Capitol Hill in an attempted coup, we will continue to do so from the comfort of our own home as a result of the hard work of organizers, community leaders, political figures, and the many people who have defended our democracy.

Be Patient. Keep Faith.

Nearly 75 million people supported Trump and thousands were present in this week’s insurrection. It is going to take some time so find ways to care for your health — spiritual, energetic, mental, emotional, and physical. We can’t deny that his supporters are also Americans who either hold hate in their hearts, are filled with greed, feel superior to other people, and/or have been manipulated and misled. It’s going to take time to shift the programming that shaped their realities and ways of thinking. This is a serious matter to not underestimate or ignore. Be intentional and strategic with your thoughts, intentions, and actions.

As uncomfortable as these conversations are to have with your family and community, we need to be honest with ourselves and our responsibilities as Americans before more 2021 Civil War memorabilia gets printed. More importantly, engaging in healthy dialogue that allows us to really listen to one another can potentially prevent us from considering violence, although may be deemed necessary, that will ultimately come with severe risks.

Originally posted on the NIOT Daniel Island’s VOICES blog.



Veronica Montes

Writer & Content Strategist, Mexican American Woman, Poderosa, Spiritual Warrior